Conception : Abdellah M. Hassak.
Co-Production : Mohamed El Khadiri, Aziz Nadif.
Project : 2015Le festival MASNAÂ2016THINK TANGER‘.

// EN

MAKAN PROJECT ‘Space project’, where the artist works on a sound creation and writing text inspired by the city and the places that disappear by geo-social, urban, economic, political interventions .. or social cohesion. It is also a sound work based on the use of new technologies to relate the transformations of the sound landscape of cities and the archiving of sounds that will disappear in the city or the space.

// FR

MAKAN PROJECT ‘Projet de l’espace’, ou l’artiste travail sur une création sonore et rédaction de texte en s’inspirant de la ville et les lieux qui disparaissent par des interventions géo-sociaux, urbaines, économiques, politiques .. ou cohésion sociale. Il s’agit aussi d’un travail sonore s’appuyant sur l’utilisation des nouvelles technologies pour rendre compte des transformations du paysage sonore des villes et l’archivage des sonorités qui vont disparaitre dans la ville ou l’espace.


// EN

A writing was carried out inspired by the different places that the artist visited and archived, a collective memory nourished by memories of different encounters of the artist, by the legacy of imaginary or real places, and by other universes.

// FR

Un travail d’écriture a été mené s’inspirant des différents lieux que l’artiste a visiter et l’archiver, d’une mémoire collective se nourrissant des souvenirs des différentes rencontre de l’artiste, de l’héritage de lieux imaginaire ou réel, et d’autres univers.

Makan Project Installation | Port25 – Space for Contemporary Art | 05/2017

MAKAN PROJECT – THINK TANGER / 7th October 2016 (Performance in City Manifesto)

* Think Tanger : A city in mutation is a project lead by Arty Farty Tanger, in partnership with Technoparc and Racines. The project aims at developing the cultural and artistic awareness in Tanger-Morocco, a city that is witnessing a big urban change, economically and artistically.


* CITY MANIFESTO Exposition du projet THINK TANGER City Manifesto will take place in Espace Dabatek, from the 7th until the 21st of October 2016

MAKAN PROJECT – 2015 / ‘MASNAÂ / ce qui est là Casablanca’

 This first production of the project was realized out as part of Masnaa Event – School of literature / 2015. Space inspiration : The building of the Company « LEGAL Frères et Cie – Bois de Construction » old wood processing plant installed Mers Sultan / Casablanca, founded in 1921 has been the source of inspiration for this first production and performance as well as locations around the space.


////// Links :

L’école de littérature
Radio Papesse
Port25 – Space for Contemporary Art
SUPERCOPY – Festival der Samplingkultur | Mannheim